17 Antes y después que comprueban que todo hombre luce mejor con barba ¡Qué cambios!

Ya nos estamos volviendo cada vez más primitivos, y es que durante los últimos años las barbas se hacen cada vez más notorias, en el caso de los hombres que verás a continuación te darás cuenta de dramáticos antes y después que prueban que las barbas hacen lucir a los hombres más sexys, no importa el color de sus ojos la barba llegó para quedarse y te lo vamos a demostrar, echa un vistazo:

Before and after #ubmag

A photo posted by Darren Coates (@dazcoates) on

Before/after beard shots. Hey @beardbrand , pick me! Yes, that's really me on the left. #UBmag #beardbrand #beard

A photo posted by cory blancato (@coryblancato) on

The progress of the beard. I have come so far in the past 6 months, they said it couldn't be done, but i am going strong.

A photo posted by Luke Donaldson (@luke.donaldson) on


Before and after 4 months of beard and almost 6 years of time #ubmag #beards

A photo posted by mbova (@mbova) on

A lot has changed but let's focus on the beard #BeforeAndAfter #yikes

A photo posted by Steve Christensen (@djscristo) on


A photo posted by Caleb Parchman (@cparchman) on

Before and after. #UBMag

A photo posted by acadkisson (@acadkisson) on

A little before and after #UBMag #beardbrand #beardsman

A photo posted by Nicholas Patrick (@njpatri91) on

Before and after beard #UBmag @beardbrand

A photo posted by Nate Baustad (@flamingbagofpoo) on

From baby beard to man beard in a year #ubmag #beards

A photo posted by ThaBeardBro (@thabeardbro) on

@beardbrand #Before and #After pic #UBMag #FearTheBeard #Beards #BeardFam #Moustache

A photo posted by Michael Mason (@mikef4a) on

Contestant #1 ! @bearded.libertine #goodluck #beardtransformation #beardedbeast

A photo posted by Beard Bros of Texas (@beard_bros_of_texas) on

From baby beard to man beard in a year #ubmag #beards

A photo posted by ThaBeardBro (@thabeardbro) on

Vía: Instagram