“Desde hace dos años hemos gastado todo nuestro dinero y tiempo libre para viajar al lugar de rodaje de nuestras películas favoritas y algunos programas de televisión, y hacer, lo que ahora llamamos, “sceneframing”.
The Walking Dead
Atlanta, GA, USA
Harry Potter
Gloucester Cathedral, Gloucester, UK
The Avengers
New York, NY, USA
Breaking Bad
Tohajiilee Indian Reservation, New Mexico, USA
Breaking Bad
Twisters, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Breaking Bad
Tohajiilee Indian Reservation, New Mexico, USA
Batman Begins
St. Pancras Hotel, London, UK
St Barts Hospital, London, UK
St Barts Hospital London, UK
Game Of Thrones
Tollymore Forest Park, Northern Ireland
Game Of Thrones
Larrybane Quarry, Northern Ireland
Game Of Thrones
Castle Ward, Northern Ireland
12 Years A Slave
Felicity Plantation, New Orleans, LA, USA
The Beatles
Abbey Road, London, UK
Hot Fuzz
Wells, UK
Hot Fuzz
Wells, UK
Forrest Gump
Monument Valley, Utah on Route 163
Forrest Gump
Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.
Doctor Who
Dunraven Bay, Wales
The Walking Dead
Vía: BP