La “doble” de Emma Watson que tiene obsesionados a los fans de Harry Potter

Megan Flockhart es una estudiante inglesa tan fan de Harry Potter que para Halloween del 2015 se vistió como Hermione Granger, una de las mejores amigas del joven mago.
Ese día cientos de personas resaltaron el gran parecido que consiguió con el personaje interpretado por Emma Watson, y comenzaron a viralizar fotos de ella.
“Ese año los comentarios se hicieron cotidianos tanto en persona como en las redes sociales. Algunos comentarios eran muy dulces, aunque hay otros que siento son demasiado intensos”, explicó al diario Metro. “La reacción ha sido increíble”, agregó.

Not the most ideal coworker but Chewie means well @surfdogsglasgow #starwars

Una foto publicada por meganflockhart (@meganflockhart) el

Cuando dejó el disfraz de lado, el parecido con Watson se hizo aún más evidente, por lo que alcanzó el reconocimiento popular como la doble de la actriz.

“Other women are not my competition, I stand with them not against them” Too often I see women tearing other women down, whether it’s about beauty standards or hobbies or relationships this culture of nit-picking other women needs to end in order for us to truly gain equality. It’s not particularly our fault, it’s a normal custom in society to pull another women down instead of big them up, we are brought up criticizing women for their relationships, clothing, make up, hair and basically anything else you can think of, we are brought up reading about a women’s fashion disaster instead of her accomplishments, we are brought up assessing a women’s relationships so harshly, this particularly comes from the media and then filters into our normal lives. I think the more we are aware that we are not in a competition with another women, the more we live our lives positively and break down the gender barriers that already exist. Life is much better and much lighter celebrating other women, rather than wanting them to fail for another’s personal gain. Stop putting other women down because unless they are negatively impacting your life then why try and negatively impact theirs? Stop (for lack of a better term) “slut shaming” stop making a women feel bad because of her make up or hair etc. If someone is pretty? Tell them they are pretty! If someone is talented? Tell them they are talented, encourage other women to achieve whatever they want to achieve in life. #positivevibes #positivity #feminism #feminist #positivequotes #women #womenpositivity @pansypath #leanintogether

Una foto publicada por meganflockhart (@meganflockhart) el

“Aunque me encantaría creer que soy su doppelgänger, ella es hermosa y mi ídolo y al final del día termino siendo yo misma. Aunque sí tengo ciertos rasgos, al final, mi ídolo es increíble”, explicó.


Una foto publicada por meganflockhart (@meganflockhart) el

“Actualmente no hago dinero con esto, se trata más de una afición que comenzó a partir de mi blog. Mi blog no es de Potter, aunque yo soy un gran Potterhead”, reconoció.

“Quiero ir a la Comic Con lo más pronto que sea posible. Quiero conocer a otros cosplayers y, posiblemente, hacer colaboraciones con ellos. Quiero tener tanta diversión como sea posible y ver a dónde me llevará”, finalizó.

Happy Easter! ❤️

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Flanneling it up ft. Hermione hair because I cannot be bothered styling it (I just noticed how I hold my phone like a goblet, wtf)

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I haven’t posted a selfie with my Chip mug yet so here we are #beautyandthebeast #disney #disneyworld

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My Steve Jobs aesthetic

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I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone for being so amazingly positive and lovely to me, it really means so much! You guys don’t have to be so sweet but you are, and it’s truly made me so happy I also want to clear up some things as I’ve seen just a few things written than isn’t exactly true: I don’t claim to be Emma Watsons doppelgänger, as much as I would LOVE to be, as she’s absolutely stunning and has been my idol since the age of 10, I am myself also, and I have features that are completely different to Emma’s, I’m totally 110% aware of this hahah also, I was first noticed through the lovely @heidimaetrix for my Hermione Cosplay and was noticed by even more people through her shout out. I in NO way submitted myself to be Emma Watsons “twin” I just don’t want anyone getting the wrong impression! @emmawatson is a truly remarkable woman who’s empowering and inspiring through her humanitarian efforts to her overall values and talent & yes I definitely aspire to be as empowering as her one day, but I don’t actually think I am her…this is an extremely bizarre thing to be writing about and I realise no matter what I say people will always get the wrong impression, I’d just rather back myself up on my own social platforms! Lastly, I do relate tremendously to the character of Hermione Jean Granger but I’m under no pretence that I am that character (although, how amazing would that be? The most bad ass, intelligent, strong and loving character I’ve ever came across) I don’t walk about in costume, it’s for #cosplay and it’s a hobby I very much enjoy while I’m young!

Una foto publicada por meganflockhart (@meganflockhart) el