Ex finalista de Miss Sudáfrica muestra cómo cambió su cuerpo cuando dejó de obsesionarse (+Fotos)

Los estándares de belleza suelen ser muy duros con las mujeres. En especial, con aquellas que trabajan en el rubro del modelaje, en el que deben realizar fatigosos sacrificios para lograr encajar en los moldes establecidos por la sociedad.

Así le sucedió a Marciel Hopkins, una modelo que llegó a formar parte de las 12 finalistas de Miss Sudáfrica 2016…. y también a obsesionarse con tener una figura tonificada. Fue después de este certamen de belleza que la joven se dio cuenta que estaba cansada de las exigencias del medio y de ser infeliz, así que optó por cambiar totalmente su vida.

De maniquí a mujer

En una publicación, Marciel cuenta que para llegar a convertirse en finalista de belleza se sometió 5 meses a un entrenamiento físico intenso, dejó los carbohidratos, las carnes rojas y el alcohol (ni hablar de los dulces o los chocolates). “El tamaño de mis pechos se redujo en dos tallas y dejé de tener periodo menstrual”, recordó y agregó que sólo cenaba una manzana pequeña.

“Ser flaca no me hizo ni más digna ni más feliz… fue todo lo contrario”, contó. “Miro hacia atrás y recuerdo que nunca estaba satisfecha con mi cuerpo, porque siempre había algo que ‘mejorar”, confesó.

Lately I've received a number of messages around weightloss advice and questions about which diet I followed for Miss South Africa. I want to give you honest feedback: I never followed a specific diet, but I made drastic lifestyle changes and literally trained my butt off. The picture on the left was after 5 months of intense training and absolutely NO carbs, red meat or alcohol. Chocolates, cake and sweets were swear words! I trained 2 to 3 hours a day and I even worked cardio sessions in over weekends. My boobs shrunk 2 cup sizes and my period stopped. On this specific day of the picture, I got home, freezing after the shoot, and I had a baby apple for dinner. From the picture on the right, more than a year later, I want to say, it's NOT worth it to fight a daily battle with food or your body. Bodies are different, we can't all look the same. Instead of having #bikinibody unrealistic-nonsense-goals that are being spoonfed to us on a daily basis, strive towards being the healthiest and happiest version of yourself (mentally and physically). Don't fight against something that is part of who you are. Self acceptance is a relationship that you have to work on daily. Be sure to make your body your new best friend. Light and love! #bodypositive #bodypositivity #bodyconfidence #loveyourbody #dietculture #unrealisticgoals #bebodyaware #healthnotsize #beautybeyondsize #droptheplus #everybodyisbeautiful #swimwear #bikini #curves #iamallwoman

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Un año después de ese momento, la mujer recordó aquella “oscura” época y reflexionó sobre la importancia de estar saludable y feliz. “No vale la pena luchar diariamente contra la comida y el cuerpo. Cada cuerpo es diferente, no todos están hechos para ser iguales. En lugar de luchar por tener una figura ‘perfecta’ (con objetivos poco realistas), esfuérzate por ser la versión más sana y feliz de ti misma”, expresó.

Sin embargo, no fue fácil para la modelo recuperar su cuerpo “curvilíneo”. Tal como relata en otra foto de Instagram, Marciel se demoró dos años en adoptar hábitos alimenticios saludable y luchar contra su mente que la obligaba a adelgazar. “Sentí mucha vergüenza porque pensaba en cómo había decepcionado a muchas personas mientras ganaba peso”, reconoce.

Tras esta ardua batalla, hoy Marciel se ha convertido en una inspiradora figura de redes sociales. La joven trabaja como modelo de categoría “curvy” para la agencia Ice Models y diariamente entrega consejos de salud y belleza en su cuenta de Instagram, en donde comparte su experiencia.

Es por lo mismo que no duda en compartir fotografías de ella misma “antes y después” en sus redes sociales con objetivo de crear conciencia. “Deja de seguir a todo lo que te hace sentir pequeña, estúpida o indigna”, aconseja en una publicación.

I was on a strict diet and eating plan for a year of my life to maintain a lean size 12. People associated my weightloss journey with success, which agree with in the sense that I've never in my life worked so hard to achieve a goal. BUT being skinny didn't make me more worthy or happy as a person. I look back at the picture on the left, being in "better shape" than ever, but with that said, never being satisfied. The "health and fitness" lifestyle can be a vicious circle if you never reach a point of satisfaction, because there will always be something to "improve on." We are fast fed with "perfect body" images when we flip open magazines or scroll down our Instagram feed, but it's unrealistic expectations that makes us feel insecure and unworthy. Your worth as a person does NOT depend on how many calories you can burn or how much self-control you have. No size or number on the scale is an indicator of your worth. Take control of the information you feed your mind with on a daily basis and be bold enough to question everyhing you see. Simply unfollow if it makes you feel small, stupid or unworthy. Me on the right is having a positive relationship with my body. We have our up and down days, but we are constantly working on being the best version of ourselves. #healthnotsize #inshapemyshape #beautybeyondsize #bodypositive #bodyconfidence #bodylove #droptheplus #curvemodel #curves #iamallwoman #nudewear #bikini #swimwear #hugyourcurves #worthy #dietculture #weightloss #informationawareness #socialmedia #unrealistic #beautystandards #dontcompare #everybodyisbeautiful #encourage #empower #embrace

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Actualmente Marciel muestra con orgullo sus curvas en Instagram, en donde se llena de los elogios de sus cerca de 60 mil seguidores.

Revisa aquí algunas imágenes:

Perhaps we should love ourselves so fiercely, that when others see us, they know exactly how it should be done. – Rudy Francisco ?❤ You will never be happy in your own skin if your self acceptance is depentent on the acceptance of others. Bodies go in and out of style and it's impossible to be everybody's cup of tea. That is why it's SO important to love and accept yourself, regardless of what others might think or say. Self love and care first, always! Stop investing time in relationships where you need to strive towards being accepted. Be with people who celebrate you and clap hardest when you succeed! ?? Captured by @wernerstoltz wearing @sommer.swim hair & make up by @talia_barak. A big thanks to @garyromhaircanalwalk for my fresh cut and attention to detail hair care! ?? #selflove #selfcare #selfacceptance #healthnotsize #bodypositivity #bodycelebration #bodyconfidence #curvemodel #swimwear #sommerswim #bikini #CapeTown #Llandudno #beachbum #liveandletlive #beautybeyondsize #nowrongwaytohaveabody

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Precaution post: Within the next 2 days you are going to be eating, drinking and being festive… maybe more than usual ??? I can gaurantee that 90% of your are going to feel guilty afterwards and make yourself believe that you are not good and worthy enough to get in a bikini and go to the beach the next day. NONSENSE! You are allowed to honour your appetite and to FULLY enjoy this very special time of the year. There is NO reason for you to feel guilty for having dessert or a glass of champagne… because guess what!? It's your prerogative to eat what you want and have fun! You do not have to explain to anyone why you want a second helping of ice cream, least of all to the voices that whisper lies in your head. It's been a tough year, we all need some sweet release ?? Forget about the diet culture CRAP that's gonna hit you in early January, I'll talk you through it when we get there ? For now I want you to CELEBRATE the body that you're in and the privilege that you have to still be alive. You are NOT going to think back on the Christmas of 2017 and think: "Oh shit, I should have had one helping less ice cream." NO! We are all going to think: "I should have appreciated that special time with my loved ones even more." Live in gratitude my beauties, not in guilt and unworthiness. You are wonderfully and beautifully made to the perfect image of our Creator. A merry Christmas and blessed festive season to you all ???❤ I lovvve my @sawotiswim mint bikini ?? It's made of 100% Italian fabric – it's so comfortable I wear mine all day long? #bodyspositive #healthnotsize #holiday #festiveseason #inshapemyshape #dietculture #noguilt #noshame #noairbrush #gratitude #worthiness #selfworth #swimwear #Sawoti #bikini #beachday #bodycelebration #beautybeyondsize #nowrongwaytohaveabody #effyourbeautystandards

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