Joven de talla grande responde a quienes comentaron que no merecía a su guapo marido

La fotógrafa de matrimonios norteamericana Jenna Kutcher lleva 10 años de matrimonio con el entrenador físico y financiero Drew Kutcher. Su vida es feliz y suelen compartirla en redes sociales, sin embargo, desde hace un tiempo, la mujer comenzó a ser trolleada por desconocidos.

Kutcher sufre de sobrepeso y varios cibernautas le enviaron mensajes directos diciendo que no podían creer que alguien como ella hubiese podido conseguir a un hombre tan guapo como su marido, quien incluso luce un abdomen de acero.

Jenna señaló al portal Yahoo Lifestyle, aquellos mensajes calaron hondo en ella y revivieron antiguas inseguridades sobre su cuerpo, pero no quiso dejar que la afectara, por lo que decidió responder.

Find the one you wanna tackle on the beach. We’re more pancakes on the couch while watching “This is Us” than going out kind of people. ? We’re more adventures over things and less is really more kinda people. We’re fans of wine tastings that happen on the couch and church on Sunday mornings. ? We let our dogs sleep under the covers and we list three things we’re thankful for every night before falling asleep. ?? We’re small town folks with big dreams. We’re going places together and we’re still getting sand out of unmentionable places while we settle back into our little Midwest life. ? We are wildly filled with gratitude and excited for what’s to come. And yes, I love @kickingitwithkutch! (Have you seen how cute he is?) ?? What’s the number one thing you look for in finding your partner in crime? Photo by: @mrslindseyroman

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Para acallar a todos aquellos que la criticaron o hablaron mal de su imagen, compartió una sesión de fotos en la playa junto a su pareja, donde no sólo lució hermosa sino que también demostró que su relación puede resistir mucho más que algunos comentarios malintencionados.

“Alguien una vez me envió un DM (mensaje directo en redes sociales) y me dijo que no podían creer que hubiera logrado atrapar a un tipo tan guapo como @kickingitwithkutch (su marido). Seré sincera, quedé sorprendida”, comenzó diciendo en su publicación.

“Parte de mis inseguridades con mi cuerpo vienen de haberme casado con el mismísimo Sr. Six Pack. ¿Por qué una chica curvy tendría que atraparlo?”, aseguró la artista y se preguntó si por no ser delgada no merecía a marido.

Someone once slid into my DMs and told me they couldn’t believe I had managed to land a guy as good looking as @kickingitwithkutch. I’ll be honest that I was taken aback. ✨ Part of my insecurity with my body has stemmed around being married to Mr. 6-Pack himself. Why should I, a curvy girl get him? I feel unworthy and when I write narratives in my head that because I am not thin, I don’t deserve him. ?? This man has embraced every curve, every dimple, pound and pimple for the last ten years and has always me reminded me that I’m beautiful even when my inner dialogue doesn’t match (and when I haven’t showered in days.) ?? So yes, my thighs kiss, my arms are big, and my bum is bumpy but there is just more of me for him to love and I chose the man that could handle alllll that (and so much more!) ✨ I am so much more than my body, so is he, and so are you. Double tap if true love doesn’t see size. Photo by: @mrslindseyroman

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Este hombre ha abrazado cada curva, cada hoyuelo, cada kilo y espinilla de los últimos diez años y siempre me recordó que soy hermosa incluso cuando mi yo interno no concordaba (o cuando no me había duchado en días)”, bromeó.

“Así que sí, mis muslos se besan, mis brazos son grandes, y mi trasero está lleno de baches, pero hay más de mí para que él ame y elegí al hombre que podría manejar todo eso (¡y mucho más!)”, sentenció.

Soy mucho más que un cuerpo, él también, y tú también. Toca dos veces (da like) si el amor verdadero no ve tallas”, finalizó.

Pocas horas después su publicación se volvió viral y consiguió miles de comentarios y 56 mil likes en pocos días.

I just wanted to quick say how weird this whole “going viral”  thing has been while we’re showing up on all the main news sites and suddenly newsworthy.  Holy, there’s a lot of new faces hanging out here, what’s up!? If you’ve been here awhile, thanks for being awesome! I love what’s happening and I love how more people are getting to see what our married life is like, but that’s why it’s so weird to me in the first place. We’re just an average, Midwest married couple who hangs with their dogs and loves having fun together.  Isn’t marriage supposed to be about love, acceptance and cherishing one another no matter what? The way we look has nothing to do with the way we love and viral or not, we’re just thankful to have each other and inspire others. At the end of the day worthiness can’t come from other people’s opinions of you, it has to come from within and if doing life with my beautiful wife is newsworthy, then let us be an example of what real #relationshipgoals are! ???? Tag your partner in crime below if you love them no matter what! . THANK YOU ? @mrslindseyroman!

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I solemnly swear I DO wear clothes sometimes. (Sorry, dad!) Fully clothed photos coming soon to your newsfeed, pinky promise. ?? After hiding for years, I feel like a new woman and it isn’t lost on me that my body never really changed, it was my thoughts towards it that did. I just got really tired of always hating, always hiding. ? If hating ourselves got us anywhere, we would have already arrived, right? So let’s change the pace, rotate the compass, and try something new. ?? I truly believe our bodies are just waiting for us to come “home” and there is no greater feeling that celebrating, fueling, moving, loving and healing every inch. ??‍♀️ Repping my home state of Minnesota today with the release of @hackwithdesign’s new intimates line and so proud of a brand that seeks out diversity! ? Tell me: what is ONE thing you love about yourself? Let’s start a self-compliment train and encourage one another in the comments below! ??

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