8 Famosas que cambiaron después de dar a luz y no se avergüenzan de su cuerpo

Estamos acostumbrados a que nos muestren imágenes inmaculadas de las famosas. A juzgar por sus fotos en Internet, su apariencia parece no estropearse ni por las noches sin dormir, ni por enfermedad alguna, ni tampoco por traer al mundo a un hijo. Debido a estas imágenes de ensueño, a las madres ajenas a este ambiente estelar les cuesta más asimilar su cuerpo imperfecto, el cual la mayoría de las mujeres adquiere después de dar a luz.

Recientemente, las famosas madres comenzaron a compartir fotos reales de sus cuerpos tras el nacimiento de sus hijos. recopilamos diversas evidencias de que los cuerpos de las mujeres famosas también están sujetos a esos cambios, y para recuperar su forma anterior, estas tienen que esforzarse notoriamente.

Peta Murgatroyd

Love thy self ❤ #Day17 postpartum. I think I'm doing ok….and I'm actually fine with the rate at which my body is shrinking back. After 2 days back at the gym I'm feeling like the old Peta again. I definitely don't have my 6 pack, and I still have excess skin and rolls on my belly, however I feel good. After all, slow and steady wins the race! I knew I needed to get back into the gym for my own sanity, but I also remind myself (as does Maks ?) that I still need to take it easy. I cannot jump yet and still can't run a mile, but the exercises I've planned out are a good start. Honestly, the hardest part for me is getting my core strength back. Day 1 I couldn't do a sit up, here's day 17 and I'm doing 70+ ?????? Ladies, we all have to start somewhere…being an athlete I pride myself on having a lean, strong physique, so believe me this has been a challenge to work through, but as long as you have a loving support network around you, you will be fine ❤ #theresnothinglikehardwork

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La bailarina australiana mostró su cuerpo ocho días después del parto. Peta parecía como si aún estuviera en el quinto mes de embarazo. Tras pasar 17 días, la dos veces ganadora del programa estadounidense Dancing with the Stars (Bailando con las estrellas) comenzó a reconocer su figura, aunque todavía se quejaba de diversos pliegues adicionales en su vientre.

Jessie James

Keepin it real! 3 weeks post and I’m still very swollen. The 3rd has been by far the hardest recovery, but I’m feeling stronger every day. Little Forrest is such an amazing baby and the easiest one of the 3. I’ve updated you all throughout my entire pregnancy and how much my tummy/baby were growing monthly so I felt like I should share where I’m at post baby. It sure is incredible what the body can do and I’m so grateful! I know i say this after each baby but remember what our bodies just when through for 9 months and be proud, don’t stress over post baby body, just enjoy your new baby because these are beautiful moments and memories you will cherish forever (aaaand drink your coffee to survive the no sleeping all night long ha!) ❤️

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La cantante de 30 años dio a luz a su tercer hijo y subió una foto de su abdomen “todavía hinchado” a Instagram tres semanas después del parto. Jesse James precisa que debemos recordar aquello por lo que pasó nuestro cuerpo durante esos nueve meses de embarazo y estar orgullosas de él.

Daphne Oz

ONE DAY AT A TIME. So this is me, 8 months postpartum with Nica (pic of her coming next!!). I hear from so many of you about the fitness journeys you are on: to lose weight, to gain weight, to get your core back (or your pelvic floor), to feel confident in your skin after going through anything and everything that falls in your lap, gets in your way, makes you work harder than you ever thought possible and prove to yourself that there are depths and strength here we can’t even comprehend. So many of you ask me for updates on my own journey, and I love that we can help each other along and that seeing what my reality looks like might give some of you the encouragement/tools you need to harness your own, so I thought we could do something new. Once a week, I’ll share what we can call a MENTAL WEIGH IN (MWI) – I’m not going by numbers on the scale because I think it can do more harm than good to fixate on watching that number move rather than checking in with yourself, your body, your mind – and yes, your clothes. Each week, I’ll share something that was a lightbulb moment for me – maybe it’s a healthy recipe I’m loving, or a particular workout, or a mantra, or a setback. And I’ll show you what’s happening on my end, because I truly hate the idea that we are supposed to go hide in our cocoons until we are “back” or have reached every last goal – keep living your life! You deserve that! Allow the process to take its time. Sending lots of love your way. Chime in below if you’ll be following along ?

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La escritora, periodista y presentadora de televisión estadounidense Daphne Oz dio a luz a su tercer hijo hace ocho meses. En su Instagram, comparte trucos que le ayudan a recuperar su anterior figura. Daphne cree que necesitas vivir tu vida también en tu nuevo cuerpo sin esconderlo en un caparazón hasta que vuelva a ser ideal.

Tia Dashon Mowry

7 weeks #postpartum. Some #pregnant women after giving birth no longer have a belly after 7 weeks. While others it may take a little longer. Me, I’m the latter. I remember after giving birth to Cree, my belly didn’t all of a sudden go flat. I did have a C-Section, (as well as with my second pregnancy) and I thought something was wrong with me. I had seen in magazines the many women on the beach a few weeks #postpartum in a two piece. To be honest, it had to take time for me to embrace my new body. With this second pregnancy, I now have embraced that fact that I’ve housed a human being. A miracle. A life. If it takes a while for me to get back to my normal self, than so be it. This.Is.Me. And I love me. ❤️ #momlife #motherhood #7weeks

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La actriz Tia Mowry trajo al mundo a su segundo hijo a la edad de casi 40 años y no fue tan fácil deshacerse de su barriga posnatal. Tia admite que tardó un tiempo después del primer nacimiento en aceptar su nuevo cuerpo. Tras dar a luz a su segundo hijo, se armó de paciencia y aprendió a amarse con sus imperfecciones.

Hilaria Thomas Baldwin

I always post a photo in this mirror in my hospital room within 24 hours after having my babies (except with Carmen…I was too much of a nervous first time mama ?). I wanted to hold off the other day out of respect for the school shooting. I took this photo, Friday, the morning after this new baby was born. My purpose here is to normalize the postpartum figure and over the next days, weeks, and months, show you how I strengthen my body and return to my non pregnant self. You all came with me through my pregnancy…now it’s time to turn back into me. We all come in different shapes, sizes, and health experiences…but given the right love and care, we can feel really good within our skin. We just have to be patient and kind with our bodies. I’ll post my last two postpartum photos (Rafa and Leo) in my stories, so you can remember how we did this before. They are not glamorous, there is no filter, and I have a super sleepy face…but they are part of my real journey. I have so much respect and admiration for the human body…I hope that intention shines through and we can inspire each other to be healthier and happier. #wegotthis2018

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La esposa del famoso actor Alec Baldwin, Hilaria Baldwin, de 34 años de edad, dio a luz a su cuarto hijo. A la mañana siguiente tras el parto, subió su selfie frente al espejo del hospital con el fin de mostrar a sus suscriptores cómo iría recuperando su anterior cuerpo esbelto.

Ali Fedotowsky-Manno

La estrella de televisión Ali Fedotowsky-Manno también decidió publicar una honesta imagen postparto. “Mi cuerpo ha cambiado. La piel de alrededor de mi abdomen está muy estirada”, escribió en su cuenta de Instagram. Ali aprende a amar su nuevo cuerpo y espera que esta foto ayude a las mujeres que luchan por recuperar su figura.

Chrissy Teigen

No todas las famosos pueden recuperar su estado de forma anterior. La top model Chrissy Teigen, que tenía una figura impecable, mostró su cuerpo real en Twitter después de dar a luz para que todas las mujeres se dieran cuenta de que las estrellas también son personas normales. No es fácil para ella aceptar las estrías en su vientre, motivo por el que se siente insegura.

Hilary Duff

La actriz y cantante estadounidense, cinco años después del nacimiento de su hijo, todavía no ha recuperado su anterior cuerpo ideal. Publicó en su Instagram una imagen en la que mostraba a otras féminas que las famosas también tienen sus imperfecciones. Hilary Duff anima a todas las mujeres a estar orgullosas de su cuerpo, que trae al mundo el mejor regalo: los hijos.