20 Animales increíbles que parecen el resultado de un experimento genético

Si alguien te pidiera describir a un cerdo, ¿qué imagen te vendría primero a la mente? Muchos responderían: “hocico rosado y cola enroscada”. Pero, ¿qué hay de 4 enormes colmillos? ¿O de unas crisálidas de mariposas, que más bien parecen unas joyas doradas? Algunos animales se ven tan poco comunes que es como si J. K. Rowling hubiera dejado caer accidentalmente su maleta mágica y al menos 20 criaturas fantásticas hubiesen salido de ella.

Hemos buscado a conciencia a cada uno de estos increíbles animales y los reunimos en este artículo.

Langaha madagascariensis o serpiente cabeza de hoja

Actias luna, de la familia Saturniidae

Águila harpía, de la familia Accipitridae

Babirusa, de la familia Suidae

Puercoespín enano peludo mexicano

Crisálida de mariposa de la especie Tithorea harmonia

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♦️Tiger Wing Butterfly ♦️? : @richards_inverts – ?Scientific name: Tithorea harmonia ?Origin: Paraná, Brasil – The shininess of these chrysalids/pupae are just out of this world! ?✨ . You can make out the distorted reflections of trees and the cloudy sky on the body of the chrysalis (even a silhouette of me with the phone camera), as if they’re coated in silver! ? ___________________________________ •? Camera: iPhone 7 ✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️ #Tithorea #Tithoreaharmonia #HarmoniaTigerWingButterfly #TigerWingButterfly #HarmoniaTigerWing #HarmoniaButterfly #TigerButterfly #Butterfly #Moth #Caterpillar #Borboleta #Mariposa #Nymphalidae #Lepidoptera #ButterfliesofInstagram #MothsofInstagram #CaterpillarsofInstagram #LepidopteraofInstagram #InsectsofInstagram #Animalsofinstagram #Entomology #BugsNotDrugs #Bug #Insect #Animal #Pet #Nature

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Lepidobatrachus laevis

Sphaeronycteris toxophyllum, de la familia Phyllostomidae

Dugongo, un mamífero acuático único de su clase

Caracol de la especie Calliostoma annulatum

Chelus fimbriata o tortuga matamata

Planaria de cabeza de martillo

Hormiga de miel

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Photo by @joelsartore | Mexican honeypot ants are named for the incredible way they store resources. These ants are like tiny refrigerators, stashing food for the whole colony in anticipation of dry seasons. Designated worker ants called “repletes” hang from the ceiling of their nest, while foraging workers bring them nectar and juices from insect prey– which is edible with a sweet and tangy flavor. Their abdomens slowly become spherical and transparent as they swell with sugary liquids. They can reach the size of a small grape— some become so large that they cannot leave the nest! All of this work insures that the whole colony can eat even when food is not readily available. These little ants are so full of nutrients that they are often eaten by other animals— even humans. This is one of over 100 species of honeypot ant found in warm arid regions around the world. This species occurs in the southwestern US and northern Mexico, where they feed primarily on nectar and small insects. #honeypotant #PhotoArk

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Markia hystrix

Mosquero real​ de la familia Tyrannidae

Agama mwanzae, la lagartija Hombre Araña

Myobatrachus gouldii, de la familia Myobatrachidae

Jerbo de orejas largas

Budapest Short-faced Tumbler

Una cría y un ejemplar adulto de la cabra de Damasco

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