10 historias que demuestran que es posible encontrar a tu media naranja en cualquier lugar

El proyecto The Way We Met publica historias reales, fotos y vídeos de parejas felices, las cuales cuentan sus grandes historias de amor.

Hoy hemos querido recopilar las 10 que más nos han emocionado:

Se enamoró por segunda vez

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After a series of epileptic seizures that completely wiped her entire memory, Jessica Sharman's boyfriend Richard Bishop strived to make her fall in love with him all over again. The couple had been happily dating for 7 months, but all the beautiful memories they created were about to be replaced with a giant question mark for Jessica. On the morning of March 2016, the couple were taking their daily commute into London where they worked together in recruitment (which is also how they met). While on the train, Jessica suffered from an epileptic fit, and afterwards, woke up in a world she no longer recognized. She couldn’t recall her own name, identify her own family, and her boyfriend, too, became a complete stranger to her. Doctors informed Jessica's loved ones that there was a very slim chance she would ever recover her memory. They were all devastated, especially Richard when Jessica tried to break up with him — expressing that she felt uncomfortable in his presence. * “I didn’t know him but he was acting like we were in love. I tried to end the relationship, but he looked so hurt and promised he would help me remember how great we were together. Seeing how passionate and caring he was finally convinced me he must care for me, so I agreed to give it a shot." – Jessica So Richard began to woo Jessica all over again — bringing her flowers and taking her to their former favorite restaurants. He made it his mission to make Jessica fall in love with him for a second time. Jessica appreciated how sweet and patient Richard was with her, and couldn't help but fall for him. Now Jessica states: "I don't remember the first time I fell in love with Rich but I do remember the second."

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Después de una serie de ataques epilépticos, Jessica Sharman perdió la memoria. No recordaba su nombre, ni a sus seres queridos y su novio Richard Bishop se convirtió para ella en un desconocido junto a quien se sentía incómoda. Pero Richard no se rindió y comenzó a ganarse la confianza de Jessica otra vez. Su amor y su paciencia volvieron a conquistarla.

“Yo no lo conocía para nada, pero él se comportaba como si nos amáramos. Traté de cortar la relación, pero él se veía muy vulnerable. Me prometió que me ayudaría a recordar lo bien que la pasábamos juntos. La fuerza de sus sentimientos y sus cuidados finalmente me convencieron de darle a la relación otra oportunidad. No recuerdo la primera vez que me enamoré de Richard, pero sin dudas recuerdo la segunda”.

Un encuentro en el tren

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"I still remember the day Mark stepped onto the train during my usual morning commute. I knew all the regulars and was used to their faces, but this beautiful stranger was definitely new. It was love at first sight for me, as crazy as it sounds. Coincidentally, we continued to ride the same train car every morning. The problem was his nose was always stuck in a book… I had been a jeans and Converse girl up to this point, but I started to make more of an effort to dress up in the morning. Even my work colleagues knew about him and would regularly ask, "How was 'Train Man' today? Did he look up?" But the answer to the last question was always no, he never did. One morning, I purposely dropped my train ticket in front of him, in hopes to strike up a conversation. However, it took him nearly an hour to look up from his book, much less notice my ticket on the ground. Eventually he did pick it up and hand it to me, but I was so nervous all I said was, "thanks.” I continued to admire him from afar for months. Finally, my birthday rolled around and I figured, I should do something a bit frivolous for my special day. I was still too timid to talk to him so I decided to write him a letter and hand it to him right before I got off at my stop. In the letter, I asked him out for a drink and wrote down my email. I spent the rest of the day anxiously waiting. Finally, at 5:30, a message appeared in my inbox with the subject line: “The guy on the train.” My heart stopped and I foolishly yelled out to my colleagues. His reply said: “Thank you, that was a lovely thing to do, I never would have had the guts to do something like that. But unfortunately I have a girlfriend and I don’t think she’d like it if we went out for a drink. Happy birthday. Hope you have a nice day.” And that was that — We went back to being silent commuters on the train. 8 months later, I got an email from him. He was single and had been for months — he asked, “Would you like to go out for a drink?” I think you can guess my answer. On our first date, there wasn’t an awkward moment and we had so much in common. Three months later, he moved in and 3 years after that, he proposed — on a train, of course.”

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“Recuerdo la primera vez que vi a Mark en el tren, camino al trabajo. Fue amor a primera vista. Después lo veía todos los días, pero él siempre estaba absorto en un libro. Me atreví a una acción desesperada: le entregué una carta, en la que lo invitaba a salir. Estuve loca de nervios todo el día, hasta que a las 17.30 me respondió que no podía aceptar mi invitación porque tenía novia.

Pasaron ocho meses. Mark y yo seguíamos siendo compañeros de viaje que no se hablaban. Pero un día, recibí un mail en el que él me invitaba a salir. Resultaba que su relación había terminado unos meses antes. Nuestra primera cita fue perfecta, tres meses después ya vivíamos juntos y tres años más tarde él me propuso matrimonio. En un tren, por supuesto”.

Intereses en común

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"Chris and I are both die-hard fans of not-so-awesome football teams! When I first came across Chris' profile on @hinge, I was attracted to him because he was wearing a Cleveland Browns shirt and I knew if he could stick with the Browns, he must be a good guy. I've been a Buffalo Bills devotee my whole life, so I know what it's like to root for the underdogs. To put it into perspective, the Bills have not qualified to play in the NFL playoffs since 1999. They have the longest active playoff drought of any major professional sport. So I knew Chris' jersey meant we had one thing in common: loyalty. We matched on Hinge in early January of 2015, but due to our hectic lives and travel we didn't meet in person until February. It was a cold Sunday afternoon and he had just flown home from a long weekend trip, but he called to say he didn't want to go another weekend without meeting me face to face. I told him that since it was cold, and a Sunday, I would only agree to meet if we could wear sweats and be casual because I didn't want to get dressed up (even for a first date). He agreed. So I went over to his apartment in sweatpants (of course when I showed up he was all dressed up), we ordered in food, and watched TV. Although it was our first date, it felt like we had known each other forever. 2.5 years later, here we are married and we just welcomed our first baby girl into the world last month. It's so insane to think I actually found the love of my life on a dating app. I was 33 and Chris was 35 when we met. We both were starting to worry that love might not be in the cards for us. Luckily, both of us are used to waiting it out for the ultimate comeback story."

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“Hoy en día me parece una locura haber encontrado el amor en un sitio de encuentros. Cuando nos conocimos, yo tenía 33 años y Chris, 35. Ambos estábamos preocupados porque creíamos que ya no encontraríamos el amor, pero, por suerte, no fue así. Chris y yo somos fanáticos del fútbol. Cuando vi su foto, me llamó la atención porque llevaba puesta la cazadora de su equipo.

Como hacía frío, me negué a ponerme un vestido (incluso para una primera cita) y le propuse a Chris pasar la tarde en un ambiente informal. A él no le importó. Fui a su casa, pedimos comida y simplemente nos quedamos viendo televisión. Nos sentíamos como si nos conociéramos desde hacía una eternidad. Desde entonces pasaron dos años y medio, estamos casados y hace poco nació nuestra hija”.

En el lugar correcto, en el momento indicado

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"My wife and I met by being in the right place at the right time. It was the night of September 9th, 2010 and some of my friends asked me to go out to a dance club with them. I didn't want to go but one of my buddies insisted, saying that he had a cute girl he wanted to introduce me to. I had been out of the dating game for a while so I decided to push myself and go, even though I figured it would be another wasted night with these morons. When we got to the club, my friends introduced me to the girl they thought I'd hit it off with. She was nice but as we were started talking, I noticed this other brown-haired girl out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't stop staring. My buddies informed me that she was a shy girl named Claire, and it was then I had complete Claire-ity about what I needed to do. I boldly walked right up to her on the dance floor and just start dancing. We hardly said two words to each other when I leaned in and asked if I could kiss her. She blushed with the most innocent adorable smirk, and nodded her head yes. The kiss was pure magic. Afterwards, we went and sat at a table where we talked for hours. Luckily I was able to finagle getting her number before the night ended. The next day I called her up and asked if I could see her again, and we ended up going to a festival together that night. The day after that, I called again, and asked to see her AGAIN, but she told me she was busy and had plans. I found out she already had a date with another guy that she set up before she met me. The following week, we went out again and I asked her "Would you consider only seeing me from now on?" With that same adorable smirk, she agreed. Five months later, I got her to agree again to the most important question of all when I asked her to marry me. Exactly one year after the night we met we were married. Now we've been together for 7 years, have 2 rambunctious boys, and so many great moments. And to this day, she still looks at me the way she does in our wedding photo- which is the same way she looked at me the night we met."

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“Conocí a mi esposa por estar en el lugar correcto, en el momento indicado. Mis amigos me habían invitado a una discoteca. Yo no quería ir, pero uno de ellos me convenció diciéndome que quería presentarme a una linda mujer. Era, en efecto, guapa, pero cuando comencé a conversar con ella vi de reojo a otra mujer y ya no pude quitarle los ojos de encima. Se llamaba Claire.

Enseguida la invité a bailar y más tarde le pedí permiso para besarla. Se puso colorada hasta las orejas y asintió. Ese beso me pareció pura magia. Volvimos a la mesa y conversamos durante horas. Después volvimos a vernos y cinco meses más tarde le hice la pregunta más importante. Ahora, ya hace siete años que estamos juntos, tenemos dos hijos y muchos momentos de felicidad vividos”.

Un equipo único

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"I met my husband Pete in college. His sister, Nancy, was my roommate in the dorms and I noticed a picture she had of Pete on her bulletin board. I told Nancy I thought he was cute and she insisted on setting us up on a date. That was 34 years ago and we've been inseparable ever since. I'm an interior designer and Pete is an engineer. Our unique skill sets and talents have made us an incredible team. We've built our marriage upon faith and family. We raised three amazing children together who are now married and have their own families. We treasure every minute we get to spend with them and our two grand babies (and a third one on the way!) Throughout the years, Pete and I have always shared this little tradition- we take walks together several nights a week with our black lab, Maddie. This is just one of the ways we continue to invest in our marriage. We have always wanted our children to see how committed we are to each other. What our future generation needs to see is more inspiring examples of couples who have made their marriages work long-term and still love each other."

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“Conocí a mi marido Pete en la universidad. Su hermana Nancy era mi compañera de cuarto y vi una foto de Pete que ella tenía. Le comenté que me parecía lindo y ella insistió en organizarnos una cita. Eso pasó hace 34 años. Desde entonces somos inseparables. Soy diseñadora de interiores, Pete es ingeniero y nuestras habilidades nos ayudaron a crear un equipo único.

Hemos criado a tres hijos maravillosos que ya tienen sus propias familias. Valoramos cada instante que pasamos con ellos y con nuestros dos nietos (¡el tercero en camino!). Desde hace muchos años tenemos una tradición: varias veces por semana salimos de paseo con nuestro labrador. Solo es una manera de muchas que tenemos de fortalecer nuestro matrimonio.

Encontraron el amor en una lavandería

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"Josh and I met in a laundry room… I was temporarily living at my friend's apartment in Orlando while searching for my own place downtown. My friend was kind enough not to charge me rent while I was staying with her, so one night I decided it would be nice to offer to do some laundry. Her building doesn't have laundry hook-ups in the actual apartments, so everyone has to use the shared laundry rooms on each floor. I was having trouble finding it because turns out, it was on the complete opposite side of the hallway from her apartment. A short while later, I noticed a guy carrying a laundry basket and being the outgoing person that I am, waved him down and asked him to show me where the laundry room was. I want to briefly mention here that this was the smallest laundry room in history, with 2 old rickety washers and dryers stacked on top of each other. And oh! I can’t forget about how dim it was in there and the lights were flickering. I even made a joke to Josh that it was Will from Stranger Things trying to talk to us (which I found out later was one of the reasons he was interested in me.) As we walked in together, I immediately sparked a conversation, just intending to be friendly. For whatever reason I was being particularly chatty that night. I introduced myself by saying, “Hi, I’m Erica, rhymes with America” (WHAT?!) I continued to ramble on and on but Josh didn't say much, so in my head I just figured he was shy. Afterwards, we went our separate ways and although I definitely noticed how handsome he was, I didn’t think too much of it. A couple hours later, I went back to the laundry room and what I found when I walked in is the reason why I'm still here telling this story. Attached to my dryer was a yellow piece of paper that said my name with the above note attached. After our first date, we saw each other every day thereafter and now we're engaged to be married. I can't wait to do his laundry for the rest of my life ?."

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“Conocí a Josh en una lavandería. Yo vivía temporalmente en la casa de una amiga que no tenía lavadora, así que debí buscar una lavandería. No fue fácil encontrar una, pero al fin vi a un joven que caminaba con una canasta llena de ropa sucia y le pregunté dónde podía lavar la ropa. Él me mostró la lavandería que usaba, era un cuarto con dos lavadoras.

Yo hablaba alegremente con él, pero al principio no le presté mucha atención. Me pareció que era tímido, aunque guapo. Nos separamos para hacer nuestras cosas y cuando volví a buscar la ropa limpia, encontré una nota: Josh me invitaba a beber un café. Después de la primera cita nos vimos todos los días. Ahora estamos comprometidos. No puedo esperar para lavar su ropa hasta el fin de mis días (es broma)”.

Es el destino

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"Our love story is like something you’d see in the movies. I was traveling around Asia for a month for work. Towards the end of my trip, I was anxious to get back home to the U.S., and spent hours in my Bangkok hotel room trying to change my flights. Finally successful, I headed to the airport. While checking in and waiting for my boarding pass, I looked to my right and saw my dream girl- beautiful and perfect in every way. I quickly finished checking in, but when I turned around to find her, she was gone. I spent the next few hours thinking about her and wondering ‘what if.' After moping around, I noticed it was time to board, so I walked to my gate and got on the plane. What happened next is almost not believable- I get to my seat and find out not only are we on the same flight, but we're placed in the same row, with two empty seats between us. On a 7-hour flight (Bangkok to Doha), we talked the entire time. She had just been on a solo-trip traveling around Thailand and turns out, she ALSO changed her flight to come home early. I know it sounds cheesy, but I knew immediately she was the one for me. During the flight, I saw she had a book in Spanish about learning how to travel lighter. She ended up giving me the book after with her number and a handwritten note inside. When we landed in Doha, I waited with her until her flight to Barcelona took off. Before she boarded, I hugged her and said, "you have beautiful hair" (what the hell is wrong with me?!) I flew to the States and started texting her before I even landed. I couldn’t get her out of my head. We texted back and forth for weeks until eventually I lied and said I needed to come to Barcelona for business. I flew to Spain to meet her and we spent the next week sightseeing, eating, drinking, going to the movies, and doing other couple-type stuff. Three days into the trip, I told her I loved her and on day four, I said, "you know I’m moving to Spain, right?” It was sort of a Hail Mary. She didn’t say yes or no, she just smiled, so I took that as a yes! 3 weeks later, I sold my car, got rid of my apartment, and moved to Spain on an absolute gamble that we were meant for each other. I was right."

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“Nuestra historia de amor se parece a las que nos muestran en las películas. Yo regresaba de un viaje de negocios por Asia. Estaba haciendo el check-in en el aeropuerto de Bangkok cuando, de pronto, a mi derecha vi a la mujer de mis sueños. Pero cuando recibí mi talón de embarque y quise hablarle, ella ya no estaba ahí. Pasé las siguientes dos horas pensando: “¿y qué hubiera pasado si…?”

Llegó el momento de subir al avión. Adivinen a quién me crucé. Conversamos durante todo el tiempo que duró el vuelo y entonces entendí que ella era la mujer perfecta para mí. El avión aterrizó en Doha, yo partí hacia los EE.UU., ella, hacia Barcelona. No podía quitarla de mi cabeza y unas semanas después volé a España. Tres días más tarde decidí que me mudaría allí para siempre. Me arriesgué y no me equivoqué”.

La pareja más demente

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"Thomas and I met on an online dating site while he was living in Canada and I was living in New York City. We fell in love within a week. We texted, Skyped, and talked on the phone everyday until we decided to make a plan to be together. Three weeks later he left everything behind, except for his dog, and flew to New York City to be with me. The first time we met in person was the day I went to greet him at the train station. That's also the day we moved in together into a 300 square foot studio apartment with 2 dogs. People thought we were absolutely insane. But it was the best decision we've ever made. He proposed with a cherry ring pop and we were recently married at City Hall, just us two and the dogs. It was our dream wedding. We are the kookiest couple I know and I wouldn't have it any other way."

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“Conocí a Thomas en una web de encuentros. Él vivía en Canadá y yo en Nueva York. Una semana más tarde, ya estábamos enamorados. Nos enviábamos SMS, hablábamos por teléfono y por Skype todos los días y tres semanas más tarde él dejó todo, excepto su perro y vino a Nueva York. El mismo día que nos vimos por primera vez nos mudamos juntos, con dos perros, a un estudio de 27 metros cuadrados.

Todos pensaban que estábamos locos, pero fue la mejor decisión de nuestras vidas. Él me propuso matrimonio con un caramelo de cereza en forma de anillo y nos casamos en un registro civil: solo nosotros dos y nuestros perros. Fue el casamiento de nuestros sueños. Somos la pareja más demente de la Tierra, lo sé, pero no lo cambiaría por nada en el mundo”.

Imposible de inventar

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"Three years ago, it was just another day as I stopped at Publix on my way home from work to pick up some groceries. After checking out, I walked out of the store and unlocked my white Jeep Cherokee. As I was walking towards my car, I noticed the rear door on the passenger's side was open, and there was a guy standing behind it. At first, I thought he was trying to steal my car or rob me. But when I got a little closer, I noticed he was actually unloading his groceries into it. I was scared as I hesitantly approached him and said, "Um hi." He said, "Hi," and looked at me as if I was the one out of place and continued to unload his groceries. Then I said, "Um, this is my car." He laughed at me like I was crazy and replied, "No, it's not, it's mine." I hit the lock button on my car keys to show him that it was definitely my car. His face turned white as he looked around completely disoriented. He apologized and explained that he had the exact same white Jeep Cherokee. He clicked the lock button on his own keys, and realized that his car was parked right next to mine. We both felt so awkward that we just started laughing. To make light of the situation I said, "You can leave your groceries though, I'll be happy to take them." He responded, "Only if you're going to make me dinner with them." A few weeks later, I made him dinner at my place and the rest is history. People don't always believe us when we tell them our story, but we can't make this stuff up. It was just meant to be."

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“Hace tres años fui a hacer compras a un supermercado. Cuando salí, desbloqueé las puertas de mi 4×4 pero, al acercarme, vi a un hombre junto a él. Estaba guardando sus compras en mi capó. Le dije que el coche era mío, pero él se echó a reír y dijo que era su 4×4. Entonces volví a bloquear las puertas y se dio cuenta de su error: su coche estaba estacionado al lado.

Se puso pálido y se disculpó y yo, para desdramatizar el momento, hice una broma: “Puede dejar sus productos, me los quedaré con mucho gusto”. Y él respondió: “Solo si me prepara una cena con ellos“. Un par de semanas más tarde en verdad le preparé una cena en mi casa y así empezó todo. Cuando contamos nuestra historia, la gente a veces no nos cree, pero algo así es imposible de inventar. Es el destino”.

Nunca es tarde para dar el “sí”

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"IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO FIND LOVE!" That's the message 70-year-old Murphy Wilson and 67-year-old Lucinda Myers want the world to know. The couple exchanged vows and said I do at the very place where their love began, the First Seventh-day Adventist Church in Huntsville, Alabama. The couple admired each other from afar for three years at that Alabama church before they dated. Lucinda even admits to trying her best to look "on point" for him every Saturday. But she wanted him to come to her and not the other way around. She broke her rule, however, when Wilson missed a few Saturday's in a row and Lucinda felt his absence. Upon his return, she mustered up the courage to approach him and say, "I haven't seen your beautiful smile lately." The pair started dating shortly after that and, one month later, Murphy popped the question. The groom was so smitten with his bride as she walked down the aisle that he just stood there, frozen. The pastor had to nudge him and tell him, "Go get her!" The sanctuary erupted with laughter as he hurried over to her. According to their wedding photographer @gianna_snell_photography, "Murphy and Lucinda shared the longest wedding kiss ever! Then they followed it up with another one before the pastor could announce them husband and wife." (The pastors facial expressions in these photos are hilarious FYI.) Murphy and Lucinda were both previously married. Murphy's first love passed away in 2013 after they had been married for 41 years. He wasn't sure the ache in his heart would ever heal… until he met Lucinda. Lucinda was divorced and had spent 30 years as a single woman, praying that god would send her the right man. Needless to say, they both got a second chance at love."

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¡Nunca es tarde para encontrar el amor! Es lo que quisieran transmitirnos Murphy Wilson, de 70 años y Lucinda Myers, de 67. Al principio se admiraban a distancia. Lucinda creía que quien debía dar el primer paso era el hombre, pero cuando vio que Murphy dejó de asistir a la misa de los sábados, hizo una excepción. Se armó de valor y le dijo: “Últimamente ya nunca veo su maravillosa sonrisa”.

Comenzaron a salir y, un mes más tarde, Murphy le propuso a Lucinda matrimonio. Cuando vio a su novia caminando al altar se puso tan nervioso que quedó petrificado. El pastor hasta debió darle al novio un pequeño empujón, algo que le hizo bastante gracia a los invitados. Ninguno de los dos se estaba casando por primera vez: la esposa de Murphy había muerto en el año 2013 y Lucinda se había divorciado de su primer marido. Ella volvió a encontrar el amor 30 años más tarde.

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