32 Modelos inusuales que poseen rasgos realmente únicos

Todos conocen el refrán que dice: “Dios los cría y ellos se juntan”, y es realmente difícil no estar de acuerdo con este. Es un hecho que elegimos amigos que se parecen a nosotros aunque sea en un mínimo detalle, y no se trata solo de pasatiempos en común, sino también de ciertas características de apariencia. Un ejemplo de eso son los modelos no convencionales, quienes a menudo se unen para trabajar juntos y potencian su belleza de esta forma.

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Decidimos recopilar para ti fotos de personas que desafiaron todos los estereotipos de belleza impuestos por la sociedad, demostrando que nuestras características inusuales son las que nos hacen ver hermosos y destacar del resto.

Maeva y Sofía

Sasha y Cooley

Hanne y Simona

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Me and my hanne at the raf show?

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Jeana, Coura y Rio

Ember y Nyane

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A post shared by Nyané® Lebajoa (@nyane) on

Adwoa y Jean

Kimi y Katie

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White-haired ?? brothers

A post shared by KIMI • 喜美 (@kiker_chan) on

Nika y Kseniya

Duckie y Jazzele

Modelos con vitíligo

Diana y Jeffrey

Polly y Joanne

Clarissa y Aleece

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We’re in LA doing stuff .

A post shared by ALEECE WILSON (@oddfreckles) on

Melanie y Josephine

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Finally meeting this angel babe <3 @princessgollum

A post shared by Melanie Gaydos (@melaniegaydos) on

Modelos virtuales Margot, Shudu y Zhi

Otros amigos 3D: Bermuda, Blawko y Lil Miquela

Cipriana y Quann

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We (@ciprianaquann @tk_wonder) have always felt fortunate to be twins and just not twins but identical twins. There is a very special bond we share, so special it is sometimes difficult to elucidate with words. As close as our bond is with each other, the road to our ancestral roots/family history is still new territory and something we wanted to further explore. Which is why we teamed up with @23andMe. ••• Unlike other DNA services that offer only ancestral findings 23andMe not only offers Ancestry Service, but their Health + Ancestry Service examines your genes to tell you about your ancestry, health, and traits. A “Personal Genetic Service​®”​ , created to help people understand their DNA. You'll be able to see which regions around the world your ancestors come from and learn how your DNA can influence your facial features, hair, taste preferences, sleep quality and much more. Visit ​UrbanBushBabes.com​ to learn more about our experience and how easy it is to discover 23andMe for yourself. Photographer: @terrygates ••• #23andMe #dna #genetics #ancestry #explore #discover #family #newyearnewyou #dnatest #mydnastory #dnastory #QuannSisters #sponsored

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Bono: la maquilladora y modelo Aryuna mostró a su gemela en Instagram. Muchos suscriptores dudan de que la foto sea de la hermana de la chica, y piensan que se trata de una sola persona

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my twins @ryutardis ?

A post shared by Aryuna ?MOSCOW/SAINT-P (@aryunatardis) on

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