25 personas que despertaron antes de que fuera demasiado tarde

Conseguir algo que muchos, incluso tú mismo, considerabais imposible, es una de las mejores sensaciones de la vida. Sin embargo, el camino para conseguirlo es largo y duro, y muchas personas terminan rindiéndose.

Sin embargo, estos internautas lo lograron, y se terminaron convirtiendo en modelos a seguir. ¡Esperamos que su ejemplo te resulte tan inspirador como a nosotros!

“La primera foto es de hace 2 años. Ahora puedo ver que yo también tengo un cuello”.

“Es genial adelgazar en familia. Entre los dos perdimos 84 kilos”.

“A veces, es más difícil subir de peso que bajarlo”,

Transformación de un indigente.

“Mi éxito tratando la rosácea y el acné”.

Pude vencer la anorexia y esculpir un cuerpo increíble en el gimnasio.

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Today marks the start of eating disorder awareness week. I lost sixteen years of my life to anorexia. I literally lost them. I have hardly any good memories. I have barely anything to show for my life for the years between eight and twenty four. I lost time with my family, with my children and with my friends. I missed opportunities, lost friends and nearly died because that was easier than recovery. Then two years ago I finally committed to my recovery. This time I was actually ready to face how horrific recovery was going to be, ready to move forward and ready to change. Being ready didn’t make it easy. I cried every day for months, but it did make it possible. Now nearly nineteen years after first developing anorexia I’m doing well, really well. And that’s something I never thought I’d be able to say. Eating disorders blind you from reality. They shield you from the reality of what you’re losing so you can keep them. And they dim the light on the hope you might have to recover. Eating disorders are powerful, but so are we. And recovery is possible even when it doesn’t seem like it. #recovery #edwarrior #eatingdisorderrecovery #neda #nedaweek #bodypositive #transformation

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“100 días sin alcohol, y solo es el comienzo”.

Este caso es la mejor prueba para los que creen que todas las mujeres engordan al casarse.

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S A T U R D A Y ? S M I L E S – Today I’m reminding myself of the happy things. In 8 days I’ll be flying to New York and I just can’t wait. I’ve missed #throwbackthursday and #facetofacefriday this week so just slinging this pic out there today instead. I’ve had a lovely day – I left the stress of last week at work out of my day completely and it was just what I needed! #slimmingworld #slimmingworldtargetmember #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldinsta #slimmingworldfriends #slimmingworldfamily #slimmingworldideas #slimmingworldinspiration #slimmingworldsupport #slimmingworldfood #slimmingworldmotivation #slimmingworldlife #slimmingworlddiary #slimmingworldtransformation #16stonelost #16andahalfstonelost

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“Lo he superado sin médicos ni operaciones, ni alimentación artificial. De los 27 kilos salté a los 43”.

Antes y después de vencer mi alcoholismo y dependencia de medicamentos.

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Transformation: I don't have a clue how this is even the same person, but they are both me. One is circa 201O, when I moved to Quebec to follow a lover who was trying to escape me. My parents helped me pack up my apartment in Santa Monica & were hopeful that this move & this new life would bring me away from the Adderall & the Xanax & the insanity that I had become so addicted to. You know that phrase: "wherever you go, there you are." Well, that is truer than true. To make a long story short, I moved, with some Ritalin in my bag – a ton of opiates, shitloads of Xanax – & I came to live in a dark apartment with a man who didn't love me. Who could blame him? The pills had torn us apart & turned me into someone no one could recognize. When the pills ran out – I turned to drinking & started everyday with a bottle of wine. It wasn't enough. Somehow, I convinced my boyfriend to find cocaine & I snorted it for the first time that dark lonely winter in Quebec City. I went into insanity again & after doing some pretty terrible, scary things, I returned to Texas for a few weeks & then went straight back to Quebec. Love was going to save me. Love didn't save me. I couldn't save myself. We ended & I soothed my aching heart with Xanax & booze and if my eyes don't show how empty I was, I don't know what will. I entered rehab for the first time that December. Now, look at today – more than 6 years later, after at least 3 more years of addiction & then into 3 years of sobriety. I am present & full of life & have a genuine, authentic smile with clear, present, honest eyes. This picture of me in 2010 is painful, but it was my reality & I am so grateful that I found recovery & a whole new world of beauty that I could never be in if I hadn't lived through that war of addiction. There is hope for us all.

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¡6 años sin cáncer!

“Mi cara antes y después de haber perdido 58 kilos”.

“Mi éxito en la lucha contra espinillas en los últimos 8 meses”.

“Me liberé de 32 kilos, me ejercité y dejé de usar drogas y tomar alcohol”.

Pude bajar más de 100 kilos.

“Sufro de hipofosfatasia y toda mi vida he tenido problemas con los huesos y dientes, los cuales comencé a perder desde los 13 años. ¡Mírenme ahora!”

“Ejercitarme es lo mejor que me ha pasado”.

Los jóvenes también pueden sufrir anorexia. Aquí pueden ver el resultado de este muchacho después de un año de lucha.

“En vez de celebrar el aniversario de nuestra boda, festejo la pérdida de 130 kilos”.

“Mi esposa y yo perdimos 143 kilos entre los dos”.

“Este es mi éxito en el tratamiento contra la rosácea después de 4 semanas”.

Con ayuda de la dieta de cetosis, bajé de 133 a 80 kilos en 7 meses.

3 kilos de músculos más haciendo ejercicio en casa. ¡Siempre se puede si se quiere!.

En un año perdí 74 kilos.

¡Impresionante! Colleen Clark, un chico con síndrome de Down, no solo pudo perder peso y ejercitarse bien, sino que también participó en una competencia de fisicoculturistas.

¿Qué ejemplo te gustó más?